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Urban Design and Planning
Application Narratives
A project narrative must address all applicable Development Code criteria and standards. The documents listed below are included to assist the applicant with these narratives and must be included with the application submittal.
Submittals that do not meet the requirements outlined in our application narrative how-to guide will be deemed incomplete and an additional review fee may be applied at the time of submittal of additional and revised materials.
Those without access to Microsoft Word may contact the Planner on Duty at at 503-618-2780 or POD@GreshamOregon.gov for PDF versions of the narratives.
Code section: Article 4
Residential districts
Commercial districts
Industrial districts
Corridor districts
- 4.0410 - Rockwood town center (RTC)
- 4.0411 - Station centers (SC)
- 4.0412 - Corridor multi-family (CMF)
- 4.0413 - Corridor mixed use (CMU)
- 4.0414 - Community commercial (CC)
- 4.0415 - Moderate commercial (MC)
Downtown plan districts
Civic Neighborhood districts
Gresham Butte district
Pleasant Valley districts
- 4.1404 - Low-density residential – Pleasant Valley (LDR-PV)
- 4.1405 - Medium-density residential – Pleasant Valley (MDR-PV)
- 4.1406 - High-density residential – Pleasant Valley (HDR-PV)
- 4.1416 - Town center – Pleasant Valley (TC-PV)
- 4.1417 - Mixed-use employment – Pleasant Valley (MUE-PV)
- 4.1418 - Neighborhood center – Pleasant Valley (NC-PV)
- 4.1419 - Employment center – Pleasant Valley (EC-PV)
- 4.1460 - Pleasant Valley overlay district
- 4.1470 - Pleasant Valley master plan
Springwater district
- 4.1504 - Very low density residential – Springwater (VLDR-SW)
- 4.1505 - Low density residential – Springwater (LDR-SW)
- 4.1506 - Townhouse residential – Springwater (THR-SW)
- 4.1516 - Village center – Springwater (VC-SW)
- 4.1517 - Research/technology industrial – Springwater (RTI-SW)
- 4.1518 - Industrial – Springwater (IND-SW)
- 4.1519 - Neighborhood commercial – Springwater (NC-SW)
Code section: Article 5
Overlay districts
- 5.0100 - Floodplain
- 5.0200 - Hillside and Geologic Risk Overlay
- 5.0300 - Historic and cultural landmarks
- 5.0500 - Open space
- 5.0700 - Natural Resource Overlay
Code section: Article 6
Land division
Code section: Article 7
Design review
- 7.0100 - Corridor design district
- 7.0202 - Non-residential design review
- 7.0203 - Industrial Design Review
- 7.0210 - Transit design standards
- 7.0212 - Solid waste and recycling
- 7.0220 - Additional standards
- 7.0500 - Rockwood design district
Code section: Article 8
Special uses
Code section: Article 9
Common requirements
- 9.0100 and 9.0400 - Buffering, screening and fencing
- 9.0200 and 9.0300 - Clear vision and easements
- 9.0500 - Grading, drainage and stormwater
- 9.0600 - Height transition standards
- 9.0700 - Neighborhood circulation and future street plan
- 9.0800 - Parking
- 9.0870 - Parking (single-family)
- 9.1000 - Trees