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- Planning Commission
Planning Commission
About the commission
The tasks of the Planning Commission are to:
- Advise Council on long-range, comprehensive planning and land use issues within Gresham.
- Balance community values such as enhanced livability, economic development and environmental protection.
- Act as stewards of the Comprehensive Plan.
- Recommend amendments and new policies related to land use.
- Help ensure the City meets all state and regional land use goals.
- Resources
- Subcommittees
- Planning Commission roles and responsibilities: Planning Commission and subcommittees handbook
- Work items focused on the Council and Community's priorities as outlined in the guiding principles and goals of the 2022-2025 Gresham Strategic Plan: FY2024-25 Planning Commission and Subcommittees Work Plan
- Intro to land use planning in Oregon: Oregon Planning Commissioner Handbook:
Planner on duty
General planning inquiries or questions on specific sites can be addressed to the Planner on Duty at 503-618-2780 or POD@GreshamOregon.gov.
Committee personnel
- Staff Liaisons
- Council Liaisons
- Committee Roster
Mary Philips
- Primary: Council President Jerry Hinton, Jerry.Hinton@GreshamOregon.gov
- Alternate: Councilor Eddy Morales, Eddy.Morales@GreshamOregon.gov
Select the Member Roster tab to view the current committee roster.
Meeting schedule
The Planning Commission meets the second and fourth Mondays of the month from 6:30-8:30 pm via Zoom.
Meeting materials
Agenda coming soon.
Meeting canceled.
Meeting canceled.
Type IV Public Hearing: PVDPU Project (CPA-24-00633)
This meeting is canceled.
The Nov. 11 meeting is canceled due to the Veterans Day holiday.
This meeting is canceled.
- Agenda
- Transportation System Plan (TSP) update, meeting materials:
- Meeting recording
Minutes for review
- 2024-06-10 Planning Commission Minutes
- 2024-04-22 Planning Commission Minutes
- 2024-03-25 Planning Commission Minutes
Type IV Public Hearing: Civic Street Vacation VAC-24-00399
Planning Commission and Subcommittees Workplan
- Agenda
- Meeting recording
- MISC-24-00021 Street Renaming Project