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Urban Design and Planning
Pleasant Valley Plan Update
This project aims to recommend updates to the Pleasant Valley Plan District that support people living, working, and spending time in Pleasant Valley, now and in the future.
The Pleasant Valley District Plan was adopted in 2004 to create a quality living environment with a sense of place unique to Pleasant Valley. The goal of the Pleasant Valley Plan Update is to better understand barriers to achieving the full vision for the area and consider the current market.
‘New look’ goals
- Refresh the plan by engaging community members to understand how the community’s vision has changed over the past 20 years.
- Look at land use in Pleasant Valley and market trends to revisit how we guide growth and development.
- Provide a strategy and recommendations for reaching the vision for Pleasant Valley.
Pleasant Valley past, present … and future?
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City Council unanimously approved to adopt plan and code updates for the Pleasant Valley Plan District. These updates are anticipated to be in effect April 17, 2025. Watch the public hearing.
Winter 2025
Anticipated adoption of Pleasant Valley plan and code updates.
Fall 2024
- Draft plan and code updates.
- Provide public review draft.
Spring 2024
- Prepare final Pleasant Valley development strategy and recommendations report.
Summer 2023 - Winter 2024
- Draft strategies to reach the Pleasant Valley District Plan’s vision.
- Evaluate strategies through community outreach.
Spring 2023
- Conduct market and land use analyses.
- Identify barriers to development.
- Refine the community’s priorities.
The City first established a Pleasant Valley Concept Plan in mid-2000 in partnership with Metro, the City of Portland, the City of Happy Valley, Clackamas and Multnomah counties.
The concept plan acted as a guide to create a new 1,532-acre community neighborhood south of Gresham and east of Portland. The plan centered around creating a “complete community” with a mix of land uses, transportation options, and preservation of natural resources.
In 2004, the concept plan was refined into the Pleasant Valley District Plan and adopted.
However, almost two decades after the plan’s adoption, much of what was envisioned for Pleasant Valley, including a variety of housing and employment opportunities, has not been realized.
Because of this mismatch between the original vision and the development reality over the last 20 years, the City is refreshing the Pleasant Valley Plan.
- This project will focus on engaging community members and developing updated land use and economic analyses to refresh the plan.
- The City wishes to understand how the community’s aspirations and expectations for Pleasant Valley have changed during the past two decades.
- This work will ensure the plan aligns with current priorities and can support the development of a range of housing and business options and uphold the original vision of Pleasant Valley as a complete community.
Carly Rice, Planner