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Parking Management Manual

The state is changing the rules for how many parking spots need to be included in new building projects. To address community concerns around parking supply, the City of Gresham is putting together a guide called the Parking Management Manual.

This guide is being made with money from a Metro grant and will include the City's rules and any new changes for parking.

Downtown Parking Work Group

This group is guiding the parking manual’s creation in partnership with the Historic Downtown Gresham Association. 

The Downtown Parking Work Group meets to talk about parking, suggest rules for Gresham, and discuss what to do about parking in the future. These meetings are open for anyone to join.

Committee contact

Jay Higgins, Senior Transportation Planner

Meeting schedule

The work group meets as needed for the particular project being worked on. Meetings are in-person. More information to come for the 2025 project year. 

Meeting materials