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Police Department
Police Services and Resources
Get accident reports online through the CrashDocs for a $30 fee.
Or, get copy of an accident report by visiting the police department and paying a $30 report fee. The police department only accepts cash.
Reports are typically available within 24 hours of being scanned.
Contact information
For assistance, contact the Gresham Police Department at 503-618-2318.
The Gresham Police Behavioral Health Unit pairs mental health clinicians and Gresham Police officers to co-respond to 911 calls that involve a mental health concern.
This team provides community support to:
- Reduce the number of jail stays experienced by Gresham residents with severe mental illness.
- Provide follow-up visits for Gresham residents with severe mental illness and earlier police contact.
- Support and coordinate diverting individuals with mental health concerns away from the criminal justice system toward local community organizations providing mental health and housing services.
Officers and clinicians are supported through a Bureau of Justice Administration, Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program grant.
Read more about Gresham Police Services Coordination Team.
The City's Code Compliance team assists property owners in resolving general nuisance issues in Gresham, including:
- Abandoned vehicles
- Overgrown vegetation
- Graffiti
- Junk
- Garbage
- RV parking permits
- Abandoned properties
- Marijuana-related matters
Report a code violation
- Report online through My Gresham.
- Call 503-618-2248.
- Only non-emergency issues should be reported.
Read more about Code Compliance.
Tagg, the Gresham Police Department's Comfort Dog, is part of the department's Peer Support Team. He engages with officers and staff to help reduce stress and anxiety following stressful or traumatic incidents.
The Gresham Police Department Comfort Dog Program is funded completely by donations from the Gresham community.
Read about Tagg the Comfort Dog.
You can improve the sense of safety around your home or business by using Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED).
Examples of environmental design to deter crime
- Improve lighting.
- Trim trees and shrubs to improve visibility.
- Make sure entrances are visible, well-lit and seen by windows.
- Repair visibly broken windows, fences or doors.
Get more CPTED tips you can make at home or at your business.
Victim Information and Notification Everyday (VINE): Victims can inquire about the status of an offender and register to be notified immediately in the event of an offender's release, escape, transfer or court appearance.
The Gresham Police Department does not provide fingerprinting services to the public. These agencies provide fingerprinting services by appointment:
Note: We are reevaluating our CVIP program as of Jan. 1, 2023. All CVIP activities including food basket deliveries are paused until further notice.
Call 503-618-2700 to request a Gresham Police food basket.
Food basket delivery is available to all residents in the police department service area.
To be eligible, the recipient must meet one of these criteria:
- Have a dependent who is 18 years old or younger.
- Receive social security/ disability income.
- Veterans/widowed veterans pension.
- Age 70 or older.
Please speak slowly and clearly when providing the required information: your full name, address, telephone number and the number of family members in your household.
Citizen Volunteers in Policing (CVIP) will check the recorded message weekdays and call you on the day of delivery.
Allow up to three days for delivery.
If this is an emergency, call 911.
If the incident you wish to report fits the following criteria, you may file a police report online.
- It is not an emergency.
- It occurred within Gresham city limits.
- There are no known suspects
- It fits one of the following incident types:
- Lost property
- Theft
- Identity theft
- Theft from a vehicle
- Vandalism
- Vandalism from a motor vehicle
Otherwise, call non-emergency dispatch at 503-823-3333.
Gresham's homeless services program has two main goals:
- Help people experiencing homelessness by connecting them to resources to be successful.
- Ensure environmental health and community livability by protecting Gresham’s parks, trails and open spaces.
Request help or report an issue
- Contact us through My Gresham.
- Call 503-618-2248.
Read more about our Homeless Services, including information about local shelters.
Mediation can be an excellent way to work through a disagreement between two or more people.
A meeting is run by an impartial mediator (coach), who provides a safe setting for both sides of the issue to be expressed. This is a free service provided to individuals and businesses in Gresham, Fairview, Troutdale, Wood Village and unincorporated Multnomah County.
Learn more about mediation services provided by East County Resolutions.
Have a non-emergency question or issue to report? You can use My Gresham to request non-emergency services, such as:
- Potholes
- Graffiti
- Broken streetlight
- Homeless support or issues
- COVID-19 information
- Ask a general question
Read more about My Gresham.
The City's crime prevention and disaster preparedness program for neighborhoods.
As a business or property owner, you may need to trespass an individual from your property. This form does not cover multi-family dwellings.
Reasons for trespassing an individual may include:
Read more about the private property trespassing process.
The Property and Evidence Section is staffed by two criminalists and two police technicians who are responsible for processing crime scenes, collecting evidence and accounting for all property associated with any given case. The property is stored until it can be returned to the legal owner, the case has been adjudicated in court or until the statute of limitations has expired.
Read more about property and evidence.
The City has designated two parking stalls in front of the police department to help people be and feel safer while engaging in their free market exchange or offering families a neutral location for child custody transfers
Positioned in the north end of the City Hall parking lot, in a well-lit area within view of the police department’s front doors, the stalls are clearly marked and under the unblinking eyes of multiple surveillance cameras.
If people are not able to conduct the exchange in the newly designated area, police recommend the following ways to better ensure a safe transaction:
- Avoid being alone or outnumbered; take a friend or two with you.
- Find a public and populated place to make the sale or purchase.
- Arrange for the transaction to happen during daylight hours.
- Give and accept small bills as payment; don't use or accept checks or gift cards.
- Do not bring extra cash or open your wallet/purse in front of people.
- Do not offer too much personal information.
- Remember, if the deal sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
The City of Gresham does not provide social services, but does provide a list of local resources.
Read more about local social services.
The City has a process for a citizen to file a complaint in connection with a private property impound if the citizen believes a vehicle was wrongfully towed or they were overcharged.
Private Property Impound Ordinance
The Private Property Impound (PPI) code requires any tower performing PPI tows in Gresham to obtain a free PPI license and comply with all aspects of the code, including the rate resolution, which sets maximum tow rates and storage charges.
Towing regulations and forms
Records Division issues vehicle releases Mondays thru Fridays only from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm, and is closed for lunch 12:00 to 1:00 pm.
The City's Youth Services program supports youth and young adults with safe, fun recreation and social activities. We offer a youth violence prevention program with our community-based partners.
Read more about Youth Services.