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Block Parties

Host a block party on your street, in your yard, a neighbor's yard, or in a City park. 

For assistance with this process, contact the Neighborhood Services office at

  • Block Party Trailer
  • Organize a Block Party
Block Party Trailer

Want to throw a neighborhood block party? We’ve got the trailer stocked with supplies and ready to be delivered to your next community event.

Block party trailer agreement 

  • There is no charge for the use of the trailer.
  • The block party trailer is not for individual use. You must demonstrate that others in your neighborhood/community have been invited to attend.
  • To reserve the trailer, you must be part of an active neighborhood association. Once approved, we will notify your neighborhood association board of your event via email.
  • Reservations for the trailer are subject to approval and confirmed through the Neighborhood Office at
  • The trailer books up quickly, so notify us as early as possible to confirm availability.


  • A designated address for delivery is required. Once delivered, the trailer cannot be moved until picked up by the City the next business day.  
  • Prior to, or at the time of delivery, the event organizer must sign acknowledge in writing that they are accepting the delivery of the trailer and the keys to access its contents.
  • If you plan to close your street or hold your event in a public park, you will be required to obtain a street closure permitor park reservation. If your event will be held on private property, you do not need to fill out a permit application.

Fine print

  • The event organizer assumes responsibility for the trailer and its contents from the time of receipt to time of return to the City.
  • The City of Gresham is not responsible for activities of the event in which the block party is being utilized. Everyone is responsible for obeying local laws and City ordinances.
  • An inventory will be taken when the trailer is returned. Please notify the Neighborhood Services office if anything is missing or damaged.

What's in the block party trailer?

  • 1 pop-up tent (10' x 10')
  • 6 folding picnic tables (6' length)
  • 36 folding chairs
  • 1 Coleman propane grill and tools; see our propane safety sheet
  • 2 ice chests (48-quart)
  • 2 water coolers (5-gallon)
  • 1 portable Sony Bluetooth music player
  • 2 recycling containers
  • 2 garbage containers
  • 1 first aid kit
  • Neighborhood preparedness information
  • A variety of yard games:
    • Corn hole
    • Ladder ball
    • Giant Jenga
    • Whiffle ball and bat
    • Football
    • Sidewalk chalk
    • Frisbee
    • Oversized Pong set
    • 2 hula hoops
Organize a Block Party

How to organize a party

  • Street closure permits and picnic shelter reservations are free for National Night Out in August.
  • If your block has been organized into a Neighborhood Ready, this is a great time to update your block map and phone tree. A block party is also a great opportunity to start a Neighborhood Watch (Neighborhood Ready) with your neighbors. 
  • Recruit neighbors to help organize the party.
  • Poll your block and decide on a date and time for the party.
  • Go door-to-door and encourage participating neighbors to bring something to the party. 

Closing a street

  • street closure permit is required to close a street or parking lot (allow 14 days for processing). 
  • You cannot close a major through-street or a street that's on a bus route. 
  • To close a street, you'll need to pick up Type III barricades to be placed at both ends of the street.

For information about closing a street, email

Recycling containers available

The City has ClearStream recycling containers to loan for collecting plastic bottles and aluminum cans at your event (available on a first-come, first-serve basis).

  • These containers come with a clear bag so your event staff and volunteers can easily see the contents when bags are full, and assure they are being used properly.
  • The City can also assist in appropriate container set-up and locating recycling drop-off centers. 

For more information, contact us at 503-618-2518 or