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Local Issues

Community Safety

Addressing gun violence in the community

The City is working with Gresham Police, regional partners, and the community on Safe Gresham, a coordinated effort targeting the root causes of gun violence in Gresham.


Homelessness is a complex, challenging issue and a top priority for the City.

The City is working in partnership with local organizations and other government agencies in response to this growing community issue.

Read more about the City's homeless services.


Both medical marijuana dispensaries and recreational marijuana businesses are subject to City registration, local regulations and requirements of state law.

Metro Housing Bond

Metro is working with local partners and communities across the region to develop 3,900 homes for seniors, working families, veterans and others who need them. Metro will implement the bond in partnership with the City of Gresham and six other jurisdictions, each with its own funding allocation and production targets.

Read more about Gresham's implementation of the Metro Housing Bond.