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Recycle at Work

Reducing the trash your business generates by recycling can save money.  A code ordinance passed in 2009 requires businesses to set up recycling systems for common recyclables. 

Tools available 

The city of Gresham provides free boxes, signs and stickers to help businesses recycle.

For more information about free recycling materials, contact or call 503-618-2525.

Business recycling practices 

Implement these business recycling practices to comply with the code requirement.

  • Work with your garbage hauler to establish a two-sort recycling service to collect glass in one container and other recyclables in another.
  • Make recycling containers available and convenient to use. 
  • Correctly label containers and provide accurate signage indicating the type of recyclables materials allowed.
  • Train employees and tenants at least annually.
  • Work with property management, janitorial service and maintenance providers to meet recycling program goals.

Business food scraps requirement 

Food service businesses will be required to compost food waste. Learn more about business food scraps composting requirements.

Hazardous waste

  • Metro offers businesses safe disposal of small amounts of hazardous waste. A business that qualifies is known as a Very Small Quantity Generator (VSQG). Find out if your business qualifies for low-cost hazardous waste disposal. Visit Metro  
  • Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) offers free hazardous waste technical assistance to businesses. For more information on this program contact Oregon DEQ Northwest Region Office at 503-229-5696.

Business resources