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- Parks and Recreation
- Gresham Parks
- Kirk Park
- Lawn
- Picnic table
- Playground
- Soccer field
General information
Kirk Park is a seven-acre neighborhood park next to Hartley Elementary School in the North Gresham Neighborhood.
This partially developed park has tall trees and an open lawn area with ball field and overlay soccer field often in use. The sports fields are great for baseball and soccer, and there are benches available as well.
Staff can help with park and sports field reservations, 8:00 am-5:00 pm, Monday-Friday. Our online reservation system will be available in January.
- Phone: 503-618-2300
- Email: ParkQuestions@GreshamOregon.gov
DirectionsKirk Park is a seven-acre neighborhood park next to Hartley Elementary School in the North Gresham Neighborhood.
This partially developed park has tall trees and an open lawn area with ball field and overlay soccer field often in use. The sports fields are great for baseball and soccer, and there are benches available as well.