
Main City Skatepark

219 South Main Avenue

Main City Skatepark


  • Drinking fountain
  • Parking lot
  • Public art
  • Skateboard park

General information

The 5,710-square-foot skate plaza at Main City Park is in the heart of historic downtown Gresham. Catch some air while practicing street elements on the skate plaza's stairs, banks, ramps, ledges, and other urban street course design features.


The park is for skateboarding and in-line skating only. No bikes, BMX, motorized vehicles, or other wheeled devices are allowed in the skatepark.

Skatepark rules and regulations


  • Oct. 1-March 31: 6:00 am-8:00 pm
  • April 1-Sept. 30: 5:00 am-10:00 pm



Skatepark rules

  • The Main City Skatepark is designated for skateboarding and in-line skating only.
  • Slow skate: The skatepark is open only to skaters younger than 10 from 9:00 - 11:00 am on weekends and holidays in order to provide safe access to less experienced skaters.
  • This is an unsupervised park. Inspect the surfaces before riding. Remove all trash, debris and objects that may prevent a smooth, safe ride. The City does not assume any responsibility for loss or injuries.
  • Use of safety equipment, such as helmets and pads, is strongly recommended and encouraged. Parents are responsible for their children. State law requires all skateboarders and in-line skaters younger than 16 years of age on public premises to wear approved protective headgear (ORS 814.600).
  • Weather conditions such as rain or snow may create unsafe surfaces for users.
  • Only skateboards and in-line skates are allowed. No bikes, BMX, motorized vehicles, or other wheeled devices are allowed within the skatepark.
  • Graffiti and tagging in the skatepark is illegal and not tolerated.
  • This skatepark has been designed for all skill levels. The skatepark is self-policing. Be courteous and respectful to other people using this facility and all other park patrons, the adjacent Heroes Memorial, and surrounding neighborhoods.
  • Respect the neighborhood. Keep noise to a minimum.
  • The following items and activities are prohibited: 
    • Skate wax 
    • Littering - please use trash cans 
    • Glass containers, food, beverage or gum on the skating surface 
    • Drugs, alcohol or tobacco products 
    • Pets 
    • Modifications such as additional ramps, jumps, or obstacles 
    • Skating against traffic                                                     
    • Sound amplification devices except by permit 
    • Profanity, bullying, bad behavior, and recklessness 
    • Spectators on the skating surface 
    • All organized events, including contests and demos except by permit 
  • The City reserves the right to close the facility for failure to follow the rules or for any other circumstances deemed necessary.
  • Do not skate on any damaged surfaces. Report any damage, hazardous conditions, concerns, or suggestions to the Parks Operations at 503-618-2300.
  • For emergencies call 911. 

Main City Skatepark

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