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Reimbursement Districts

In reimbursement districts, property owners pay to connect to City services or infrastructure in newly developed areas. This reimburses the City or a developer who paid the upfront costs to build the wastewater main, water main, etc. 

  • Property owners who benefit from new infrastructure pay for their connection. 
  • Reimbursement is typically due when a property owner connects to the constructed services. 

If you have received a letter requesting a solicitation of interest for a Reimbursement District near you, please complete the online survey.

 Take survey

Reimbursement Districts in Process

SW Towle (3430-3680)

The formation of the SW Towle (3430-3680) Wastewater Reimbursement District was approved by Gresham Council on July 2, 2024. Construction of the wastewater main was completed in September 2024. The next step is for the total project costs to be tallied, and Council will decide on the actual costs resolution. The reimbursement district was proposed by the City of Gresham to recover costs for providing wastewater service to several properties without public wastewater service.

Upcoming meetings

  • City Council, costs resolution: To be Determined.  

Project documents

Reimbursement District Process

Requirements for the application and approval of a reimbursement district are outlined in Gresham Revised Code (GRC), Article 11.15


  • A developer or property owner wishes to construct public improvements or complete a master plan that will benefit properties in addition to their own. 
  • The developer or property owner submits an application for a reimbursement district that includes the benefitting properties, the estimated project cost, and a proposal for how the costs should be distributed between the benefitting properties.   
  • Impacted property owners are notified and generally an informational meeting is held for all property owners in the proposed district. 
  • The City Council holds a public hearing and decides whether to approve or deny the applicant’s reimbursement district request. Affected residents are sent a written notice prior to the hearing that includes the staff recommendations.  
  • Once the project is complete and final costs are determined, owners in the district are invited to attend the City Council meeting where the City Council decides on the Reimbursement Resolution, or final cost distribution. 
  • The City records the Reimbursement Resolution at Multnomah County Deeds and Records so that future buyers of properties in the reimbursement district are aware of the reimbursement. 
  • Affected property owners pay the reimbursement charge when they benefit from the new service. The City collects payment and distributes to the applicant minus administration fees.  
  • The reimbursement district expires after 10 years unless renewed.  


For more information contact Michelle Kimble at 503-618-2455 or