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Vertical Housing Development Zone

The Vertical Housing Development Zone (VHDZ) was created to encourage mixed-use development in Gresham’s regional center: historic Downtown and Civic Neighborhood.

  • Eligible projects include commercial/retail space on the ground floor with housing above.
  • Projects meeting the criteria receive a partial property tax exemption for 10 years, based on the number of equalized floors of residential development (the abatement is 20-80%). 

The partial property tax exemption applies only to the building value (not land), unless there is affordable housing included. If affordable housing is included in the project, a proportional amount of taxes on the land can also be abated.

Program requirements

Applicants must provide specific information regarding the proposed project in their application. This information includes, but is not limited to:

  • Address and boundaries of proposed project.
  • Description of the existing state of the property; description of the proposed project including design, costs, and the number of floors of residential units.
  • Description of the non-residential uses to be included, and their proportion of the total square footage. 

For a complete list of application requirements call 503-618-2504. 

Local Program Criteria

  1. Payment of a 10% annual community service fee for length of the 10-year abatement. * Funds from this fee will be restricted for public safety purposes
  2. Required on-site property management for projects with over 80 units
  3. “Good Neighbor” commitment in final agreement requiring compliance with City of Gresham codes and regulations


Vertical Housing Development Zone boundary map 


For more information about this program, call 503-618-2504.