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Utility Locates

When the City prepares for underground street or utility work, temporary utility locates paint markings (aka locates) are marked on streets and sidewalks.

Colored markings on streets and sidewalks 

  • Underground locates are required before all excavation (digging) projects.
  • Any time the City prepares for street or underground utility work, locates are requested. 
  • Multi-colored lines are spray-painted on streets and sidewalks where utility lines are located.
  • The paint is temporary and will eventually wash away. 

Locate colors and what they mean

  • White: Proposed dig area
  • Pink: Temporary survey markings
  • Red: Electric power lines
  • Yellow: Gas, oil
  • Orange: Communication, telephone 
  • Purple: Reclaimed water, irrigation
  • Blue: Drinking water
  • Green: Sewer and drain lines

Property owners – call before you dig 

Building a fence or planting a tree?
Call for locates: 1-800-332-2344 (or 811) 

  • Call before you dig. It’s the law and it’s free.
  • The Utility Notification Center is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • Provide your contact information, location and the type of work.
  • The Utility Notification Center will contact local utilities to mark underground lines.
  • Lines will be located and marked 2-5 business days from the time you call. 

Why locates matter

Many utility service lines are located underground. Marking the lines before digging helps avoid damage to underground lines and property and prevents personal injuries. Locates can be on the street, sidewalk or private property  ̶  anywhere an underground utility is located. When the City or a private utility begins maintenance work, utility locates are requested. 

  • Private utilities are maintained by private companies (phone, cable, gas, electric). Private utilities are typically located under streets and sidewalks and in easements on private property. 
  • Public utilities are maintained by the City (water, sewer, storm, streets). Public utilities are typically located under streets and sidewalks. Any piping connecting the house to the street is the homeowner’s responsibility. 
