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Maps and GIS

Gresham Map

Access Gresham Map 

Gresham Map lets you look up property information for parcels in Gresham, including:

  • Garbage hauler, neighborhood association or zoning.
  • Aerial photos.
  • Query by site address, business name or county or state property ID.
  • Parcel information, including size, building square footage, year built, and land real market valuation.

Bi-monthly maintenance

Maintenance on the City's maps is performed the second and fourth Tuesday of each month, between 7:00-9:00 pm. All mapping applications, including Gresham Map and permitting/licensing maps, will be offline during these periods. Please plan accordingly.

GIS applications

Eligible Marijuana Dispensary and Grow Sites

This map provides a tool to determine potential locations for marijuana businesses in Gresham.

Eligible marijuana dispensary and grow sites

Gresham Control Points

The Gresham control points map displays the main control point locations and their information spatially.

Gresham control points map

Hauler/Sweeper Finder

The hauler/sweeper finder map shows hauler information and pick-up day of the week and the monthly street-sweeping schedule based on your address.

Hauler/sweeper finder map

Neighborhood Finder

The neighborhood finder map indicates which neighborhood district you are in and displays its boundary.

 Neighborhood finder map

Planning Projects, Building Permits or Businesses

To view information about planning projects, building permits or businesses, visit the following:

Snow and Ice Routes

Snow and ice routes map

The snow and ice routes map displays preventative anti-ice areas and plow routes.