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Arbor Month

Arbor Day Tree Planting

Wednesday, April 10
10:00 am-noon
RSVP by Friday, April 5

Sign up to volunteer

Event details

Gresham celebrates National Arbor Day each April with activities for the community. Gresham is proud to be a Tree City USA.

This year’s Arbor Day tree planting takes place at Nadaka Nature Park. We’ll be planting trees in the park. We’ll supply gloves and tools. Light refreshments will be provided. 

Our partners

Friends of Trees, Urban Forestry Subcommittee, Multnomah County, Rockwood Neighborhood Association and Centennial Neighborhood Association.

The trees are paid for with a Green Gresham, Healthy Gresham grant from East Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District. 

  • Group of people with shovels watch a volunteer prepare to plant a tree.
  • Arbor Month event at Columbia View Park
  • Volunteers planting trees in Rockwood
  • Arbor Day event at Ebetsu Plaza
  • People attending tree-planting event at Ebetsu Plaza
  • Friends of Trees volunteers planting trees on Arbor Day
  • Arbor Day event at Gradin Sports Park

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  • Volunteers helped plant trees at Rockwood Central Park.

  • Volunteers gathered at Columbia View Park in 2022 to plant 400 trees. 

  • Volunteers plant trees along the Boys & Girls Club in Rockwood.

  • Planting Akebono cherry trees at the Gresham Japanese Garden's Ebetsu Plaza in Main City Park.

  • Ready to dig and plant Akebono cherry trees at Ebetsu Plaza.

  • An Arbor Day planting at Vance Park in 2017. Five trees were planted, a Hogan Cedar (Gresham's city tree); Tulip tree; Wildfire Tupelo; Magyar Ginko; and Greenspire Linden.

  • Former City Councilor Mario Palmero and students from Springwater Trail High School plant trees at Gradin Community Sports Park.


For more information, contact or 503-618-2392.

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